15. Databricks

15.1. Column function

from pyspark.sql.functions import col

15.2. Create a datatype schema

from pyspark.sql.types import StructType, StructField, StringType, IntegerType, DoubleType, BooleanType
from pyspark.sql.functions import from_json, unix_timestamp

schema = StructType([
  StructField("channel", StringType(), True),
  StructField("comment", StringType(), True),
  StructField("delta", IntegerType(), True),
  StructField("flag", StringType(), True),
  StructField("geocoding", StructType([                 # (OBJECT): Added by the server, field contains IP address geocoding information for anonymous edit.
    StructField("city", StringType(), True),
    StructField("country", StringType(), True),
    StructField("countryCode2", StringType(), True),
    StructField("countryCode3", StringType(), True),
    StructField("stateProvince", StringType(), True),
    StructField("latitude", DoubleType(), True),
    StructField("longitude", DoubleType(), True),
  ]), True),
  StructField("isAnonymous", BooleanType(), True),      # (BOOLEAN): Whether or not the change was made by an anonymous user
  StructField("isNewPage", BooleanType(), True),
  StructField("isRobot", BooleanType(), True),
  StructField("isUnpatrolled", BooleanType(), True),
  StructField("namespace", StringType(), True),         # (STRING): Page's namespace. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Namespace
  StructField("page", StringType(), True),              # (STRING): Printable name of the page that was edited
  StructField("pageURL", StringType(), True),           # (STRING): URL of the page that was edited
  StructField("timestamp", StringType(), True),         # (STRING): Time the edit occurred, in ISO-8601 format
  StructField("url", StringType(), True),
  StructField("user", StringType(), True),              # (STRING): User who made the edit or the IP address associated with the anonymous editor
  StructField("userURL", StringType(), True),
  StructField("wikipediaURL", StringType(), True),
  StructField("wikipedia", StringType(), True),         # (STRING): Short name of the Wikipedia that was edited (e.g., "en" for the English)

15.3. Start a Stream

For parquet source file:

 dataPath = "/mnt/training/asa/flights/2007-01-stream.parquet/"

 parquetSchema = "DepartureAt timestamp, FlightDate string, DepTime string, CRSDepTime string, ArrTime string, " + \
 "CRSArrTime string, UniqueCarrier string, FlightNum integer, TailNum string, ActualElapsedTime string," + \
 " CRSElapsedTime string, AirTime string, ArrDelay string, DepDelay string, Origin string, Dest string, " + \
 "Distance string, TaxiIn string, TaxiOut string, Cancelled integer, CancellationCode string, Diverted integer," + \
 "CarrierDelay string, WeatherDelay string, NASDelay string, SecurityDelay string, LateAircraftDelay string"

 # Configure the shuffle partitions to match the number of cores
 spark.conf.set("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", sc.defaultParallelism)

 streamDF = (spark                   # Start with the SparkSesion
   .readStream                       # Get the DataStreamReader
   .format('parquet')                # Configure the stream's source for the appropriate file type
   .schema(parquetSchema)            # Specify the parquet files' schema
   .option("maxFilesPerTrigger", 1)  # Restrict Spark to processing only 1 file per trigger
   .load(dataPath)                # Load the DataFrame specifying its location with dataPath

15.3.1. Kafka Stream

from pyspark.sql.functions import col
spark.conf.set("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", sc.defaultParallelism)

kafkaServer = "server1.databricks.training:9092"   # US (Oregon)
# kafkaServer = "server2.databricks.training:9092" # Singapore

editsDF = (spark.readStream                        # Get the DataStreamReader
  .format("kafka")                                 # Specify the source format as "kafka"
  .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", kafkaServer)  # Configure the Kafka server name and port
  .option("subscribe", "en")                       # Subscribe to the "en" Kafka topic
  .option("startingOffsets", "earliest")           # Rewind stream to beginning when we restart notebook
  .option("maxOffsetsPerTrigger", 1000)            # Throttle Kafka's processing of the streams
  .load()                                          # Load the DataFrame
  .select(col("value").cast("STRING"))             # Cast the "value" column to STRING

15.4. Stop Streams

for s in spark.streams.active: # Iterate over all active streams
  s.stop()                     # Stop the stream

15.5. Configure Suffle Partition

Configure the shuffle partitions to match the number of cores

spark.conf.set("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", sc.defaultParallelism)

15.6. Unqued delayed event in stream

Ignore any events delayed by X minutes or more. And slidding windows.

from pyspark.sql.functions import col, window

countsDF = (streamDF  # Start with the DataFrame
  .withWatermark("DepartureAt", "300 minutes")
           window(col("DepartureAt"), "30 minutes"))

15.7. Train/Test Split in DataBricks

trainDF, testDF = preprocessedDF.randomSplit([0.7, 0.3],  # 70-30 split
                                              seed=42)     # For reproducibility