1. Git

1.1. Rebase a branch on master

# Check that your local master is up-to-date
git checkout master & git pull
# Go on you otherBranch
git checkout otherBranch
# Rebasing
git rebase master
# Push
git push --force-with-lease

1.2. Merging a Branch

# Back on master
git checkout master
# Merging
git merge otherBranch
# Push
git push

1.3. Delete a Branch

# delete branch locally
git branch -d localBranchName

# delete branch remotely
git push origin -d remoteBranchName

1.4. See all branches on remote and local

git branch -avv

1.5. Revert a commit

git revert HEAD~1..HEAD


git reset --hard HEAD^

Revert several commits

git revert HEAD~3..HEAD

1.6. Resolving merge conflicts automatically

In cases when you prefer the work of other developers rather than yours.

git pull -X theirs

In cases when you prefer your work.

git pull -X ours